Flowers of Alfiren

86 surreal gardenscapes created via a generative algorithm written in JavaScript and p5.js, and minted on Ethereum. Presented by Vertu Fine Art.

Secondary market on Opensea.

The code, which is 57,199 characters long, is stored on an Ethereum smart contract here. Querying "GetScriptChunk" with 0x8E85815D9C6360e414F93483A3533D8172DCeC27 as the "creator", 1 as the "series", and 0 or 1 as the "index" will return the script.

Flowers of Alfiren Contract Details

Additionally, the a live render of the script is available to view on here. It will give you a deeper insight into my process.

Here is a little more information about how the script works:

  1. Draw each organism in a black box. The organisms I use here took the last year to create. The flowers themselves are comprised of hundreds of individual curves, drawn in a series of loops. To say it simply, these loops move from ~ 0 to ~2*PI. The geometric functions of cosine, sine, and tangent are used to draw curves rotationally around the center of the flower. Of the 86 pieces, there are 7 flower genus: 24 Echinacea, 19 Adenium, 14 Zinnia, 11 Camleia, 8 Magnolia, 6 Zephyranthes, and 6 Chrysanthemum.
  2. Drawing these organisms as well as any other textures to the canvas. When I say canvas, I am talking about a digital canvas on an HTML page. In HTML: <canvas> </canvas>.
  3. Trial and error, constantly changing the formula. In simplest terms, the formula for placing the flowers uses a custom scaled noise field. I found success on ignoring gravity, increasing the crowdedness of flowers towards the center of each piece.
  4. Once I have a formula for placing all my digital paint strokes. I focus on creating layers. There are three main layers, background, color, and skeleton, each made up of many sub layers.
Background Layer
Skeleton Layer
Color Layer