Created with JavaScript and p5.js, and minted on Ethereum.
These are all on-chain generative 1/1 artworks. These pieces are future-proof, and can always be pulled from an Ethereum smart contract.
Read more about what it means to be on-chain, and find out how you can retrieve the code for these pieces here.
The main Flume contract is a Manifold contract. The TokenUri of the Flume contract here is overridden by these two extension contracts: 0x534514948a28bc76B8F2f2f6B6C1745329375710 and 0x9489bdad5e36d16051c93ab2200172083eeba057.
Additionally, the mint function for these tokens was called via the custom extension contracts. These two custom contracts are thus permanently connected to the Flume Manifold contract.
Secondary market on Opensea.
The pieces you see below are all live Javascript code running in your browser. They are not videos.